So, I'm watching Desert Heat. It's a Jean-Claude Van Damme movies, so obviously I'm not expecting much. It's not like it's Street Fighter or anything. But at first glance as I was flipping through channels, Van Damme was looking well, damn good. Now I generally don't go for him beause while he is a well built man, he's usually don't something crappy with his hair or clothes or whatever. But in this movie, he's wearing one of those perfectly shaped cowboy hats and tight jeans.....:sigh: it was nice. It was very nice. Actually it reminded me of this picture of Wolverine. Which I posted so you could see what I was talking about.

This one.

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(And it's odd that it would remind me of this, since I was thinking Van Damme was hot but I've never had any particular inclination towards Wolverine and generally I'm just annoyed that Marvel finds it necessary to put him on every other cover and in every title. Right now I think he's actually in, like, five: Astonishing, Uncanny, X-men, New X-men, and some moron decided to put him in the new Avengers. I realize he's a great character but, damn, it pisses me off. Can't they just come up with some more characters? Oh well.)

Anyway. My point is that the movie actually hasn't been too bad thus this type of movie goes. But it does have one of the best lines I think I've ever heard.

These two old guys are watching Van Damme leave and one of them (That Pat Moriarti or whatsit from Karate kid) turns to the other old guy and says "Hey, I bet he gets a lot of pussy".I almost fell over laughing.

Crude but hilarious.Well, that was it, so later.

No Van Dammes were harmed in the making of this post.

(it's a reference to the show Los Vegas.)


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