Sidebar: Now, I already started a post to put here but stupid me hit something on the key board and erased it all. It sucks cause what I had was really good. *sigh* Anyway, I'm gonna try and recreate it as best as possible.

Sidebar #2: Just wanted to say real quick that I love sidebars. They're so much fun. But, right, back to business (hey, I spelled "business" right.) Man, am I having trouble keeping it together or what?

So I haven't posted in a while and figured I should toss you guys a bone. I was going through some files on my computer and came across some poetry that I did a while ago and thought it'd be a nice treat for all of you loyal viewers out there in TV Land. Now I don't normally do poetry unless it's for a class because I'm not really a fan of it. Actually, I think it pretty much sucks, however that doesn't mean I suck at it. I'm actually pretty decent at it and would do it more if I didn't hate it. So, in short: I hate it but I rock at it. So here a few that I hate less than some of my others. (did that make any sense? *shruggs* eh, like I care.)

The Wife

Now listen children, lend an ear.
I'll tell the tale you wish to hear.
a man who never got very old
but lived a life both brave and bold
He took a wife, that he did
A woman named Arach Nid
he was hers for ever more
knowing not what lay in store
He spent his days carefree and wild
She just sat back and simply smiled
But life goes on and must progress
Hand on her stomach, soft caress
Clock is ticking, time to feed
fuel for a child's need
So by eating a little snack
She gained the title Widow Black

A Faint Inkling

I don’t know what to say
I want to say something
But I’m not sure what
Don’t you hate that?
Words are floating around in your head
But you’re not sure what the point is
Random words?
Or a deeper meaning?
A hidden meaning, perhaps.
My mind blanks for a moment
I forget what I was going to say
Was I even going to say anything?
My head falls back to the pillow
Maybe I can still remember that dream
Probably not, but maybe.
It was vaguely, possibly,
perhaps, about…something.
Don’t you hate that?

A few notes: The line "clock is ticking, time to feed, fuel for a child's need" in the first poem, "The Wife", is probably my favorite out of all my poetry. It's just great. I'm not sure why, I just really like it.

Okay so that was actually only one note, but oh well. You'll get over it. Anywho, I'll talk to you guys later, and I'll try and post something here in the next few days.

HEY HEY!!! On the upside, it's little over a month till I get to see my bandmates, John and Ringo. Despite the fact that it comes at a very high price (i.e. I have to see my family), it will be SO totally worth it. (and when you read "so totally" in your mind, don't read it in a Valley Girl voice, read it in a rocker chick voice. I'm not a blond and never will be.) We'll definitely get to do some hanging out, some chillin', maybe even get you guys drunk!!!! (don't give me that look, drinking is fun)

So, right, Guess I'll end with a quote. As I said before, I was going through some files on my computer. I came across a notepad file titled "conversation", now I had no idea what it was, so of course, I opened it. Turns out it was some conversation (go figure, right?) that I'd had with Megan (shout out to my bestest NMU friend {though I don't know if she reads this}) last year in some class. I'm not even sure what class, let alone what the hell we were talking about. Anyway, it's really, really, really freaky. And I was going to put just a quote, but since I've hyped it up so much I feel obligated to post the whole thing. So here it is, try to keep up (though if you do manage {to keep up}, you'll be doing better than me):

ME: we have problems, you know that right?

MEGAN: yeah

ME: yeah. have you ever wondered what causes these problems?

MEGAN: all the time.

ME: If I blame genetics, do you think I can get away with more stuff?

MEGAN: (lol), yeah, I would say so.

ME: (flicks megan's arm) Genetics.

MEGAN: (sticks up ring finger)
sidebar #3: megan doesn't flip people off, so that's why she gave me the middle finger, just thought I should explain that.

ME: does Nathan have an "underfunctioning amygdala"? (hint: Sexual ineuendos)
sidebar#4: nathan is an ex-boyfriend, and megan can be a little slow (no offense), so the hint was for her, not you guys)

MEGAN: Probably.

ME: do you know how much better this class would be if he was dressed in a white bunny costume when he did all his movements?

MEGAN: (lol) you sicko.

ME: I'm not sick. I'm just temporarily under the weather.
hey good news. I'm only two episodes away from having every single
episode of Farscape.

MEGAN: Sweet.

ME: Yeah, like you have any idea what I'm talking about.

MEGAN: I do too.

ME: Really? So Farscape is what....

MEGAN: Farscape is....I don't know. Wait, I know, I know. Farscape is....
it's a ship.

ME: No.

MEGAN: It's like a ship in space and they do chores and stuff. and they steal stuff
for an ugly guy.

ME: (laugh my ass off: lmao) I don't have emotional stability. I don't have
stability of any kind.
sidebar#5: man, I have alot of these, anyway, as you probably guessed, there's a big jump in the topics there. I remember now that this is from our psych class that we had together. so the "stability" comment probably refers to something the teacher said...but I'm not sure.

MEGAN: (nods in agreement)

ME: Keith is completely unproductive. I'll admit, I'm not paying attention, but
at least I'm doing enough to be able to mock the prof. and the material.
He's just sitting there.
Hey, he's talking about neurotic and crazy people. I didn't know we
where going to talk about me today.
sidebar#i-have-no-idea, keith sits next to us, the teacher is talking about crazy people, not keith (i think keith was sleeping)

MEGAN: (lol) You're not crazy, you're gifted.
sidebar#who-cares, megan likes to torment me with the phrase "i'm not weird, i'm gifted". I hate the saying because the two (weird and gifted) have little or nothing to do with each other

ME: (has short fantasy that involves megan's head and a silver platter)
Don't you hate when the teacher has a conversation with someone in
the class that no one else can hear?

MEGAN: yeah


So, yeah, that's that. Hopefully the sidebars made it less confusing, but I'm not holding my breath. Well, I gotta go. I want to get some writing done before Law & Order: Criminal Intent comes on (Vincent D'Onofrio is sohot). I'll talk to you all later.

As always, e-mail me ( [for strangers, no offense. it's not that I don't like you, it's just that it's not safe to give out certain e-mail addresses, you know how it is], or my school one for people I know. You can also AOL Instant Message me at: AlectoAkanke. (the period is for the end of the sentance, not the screenname. and why exactly am I picky about giving strangers my email but not my screenname? weird.)

(I swear I have the longest goodbyes of anyone I know)

So on a final note: Don't watch Mission Impossible in the dark.

The lord bless you and keep you.
The lord make his face to shine upon you.
The lord be gracious to you,
lift up his countanence,
give you his peace.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *tears roll down face*, sorry, I know most of you won't get it, but Ringo knows what I'm talking about, don't you? (I know you're cracking up right now).

But, yeah, Law & Order is on, so I really have to go. Don't worry Ringo I'll be home soon and then we can make fun of the wanna-be rocker and the Singing Tormentor together.

Night chya'll.


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