Figured I had a couple things I needed to elaborate on, so that's what I'm doing.

First off: Jonathan Brandis's death has been labeled a suicide. Apparently a friend discovered him and called 911, claiming the actor had tried to kill himself by hanging. Brandis was taken to the hospital where he passed away. This seems to be the official word but I'll let you know if anything changes.

Second off: The news on my dad is basically that the vertebrae in his spine are slowly fusing together. The process is called "Anklelosis Spondalitis" or something like that. I'm not exactly sure. Anyway. By the time the process is finished my dad won't be able to rotate his spine and possibly his neck. He will still be able to walk, sit, drive, etc. But if he wants to look at something that's not directly in front of him, he'll have to turn his whole body. The disease is also hereditary (approx. 7% of the population carries the gene, but only 1% has the disease) and there is a chance that me or my siblings could get it. Testing is available so we can find out if we have the gene, but there is no cure and the only treatment is taking pain medication. While the disease isn't fatal or paralyzing, my dad will be in pain till the fusing is complete, which could take up to ten years.
So I'm taking it a little hard, 'specially since I'm not even going to see my Dad till Christmas.

Anyway, I don't want to talk about it any more. Maybe I'll go have a drink. Talk to you later.


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