Dear God

Dear God,

I'm sorry I have been so cruel to you. It is my belief that our lives were set in place the moment you created the universe. That our lives exists as a result of who we become or who we choose to remain, that our lives are shaped according to not so much our choices, but rather our feelings about the things that have happened.

Because of this belief, I thought it was pointless to call on you and ask for things, because anything that was going to happen was already going to happen. And this is true, in it's way, but I had forgotten an important detail:

You know everything.

It is not just about knowing the future, knowing what choices we make. It is about knowing what we are going to ask for. It's about knowing all these things at every moment, even moments we don't percieve as having happened. Even moments we percieve has having happened a long time ago.

You feel no need to act because events have been set in motion since the beginning of time. The results of our choices, everyone's choices, are already beginning, like ripples in a pond. Your response to our cries is not "Yes" or "No," it is "Wait." Because you have seen what is to come, you have seen the path to our lives.

I see now that the purpose to our lives is our lives themselves. To exist as you have made us, or as we made ourselves, for as long as we do. To like each day with the purpose of moving through events. To gather or share moments with those around us. Not to become something, but simply to become. The reason and why and purpose of life is Life itself. To be, to grow, to live our life, that you have given us, to the height of our potential and in the manner we find best reflects you. That is the image you created us in. To see the universe grow, to see life expand, and to follow it along the path we choose.

Thank you,

Karina Woolslayer.


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