Tight, tight pants.

I have been trapped inside half a dozen books. For the last week, my mind has swirled among words that drag on too long. It is an octopus, that I break free of one arm to be entangled by another.

But it's a symptom. Willingly I submitted to this dragging behind a horse. Anything that would get me away from where I stood.

Though, it was kind of like being dragged across a treadmill. One where a picture is turned alongside. It was so clear that, though moving, I wasn't going anywhere. And yet the surroundings were still in motion.

In other news, I've figured out why I intentionally tank some schoolwork. It's a matter of being able to exert some control over the things I dislike. As a teenager, I hated that my parents put me under pressure to succeed, but never gave me any encouragement when I achieved something. Now, it's because I don't really want to be in school, but don't entirely have a choice (long story, well, long-ish, just don't feel like relating it).

I've become a homework-bulimic. Or is it anorexic? Whatever.

In other news, Disney has bought Marvel and continues to digest the soul of the creative world.

In other news, have you noticed that despite the rise of super-hero movies, there are very few that contain costumes? Costumes, in the comic book sense, anyway. Most of the super-hero movies focus more on having a functional or realistic suit.

Batman - they explain the science behind the suit.
Ironman - duh, he's an iron man.
Fantastic Four - while close to costumes, the suits are used because they were bombarded with the same cosmic rays and will adjust to the individual's powers.
X-men- I don't really know why they didn't have costumes, but they didn't (Uniforms).
Wolverine - Given that the movie was about Wolverine, I understand not having costumes. Kind of missed Sabretooth not having one, but whatever. Deadpool better have one.
Hulk - Well, he's lucky if he has any clothes. (And this refers to the good Hulk, not the crappy one).
Spiderman - Costume.
Superman - Costume.
Electra - While similar to her costume, not quite.
Daredevil - This one's iffy. While his outfit was very similar to his costume, the fact that it was made out of so much leather makes me want to not count it.
Catwoman - Catwoman doesn't count.

Catwoman does not count.

There are others, I think, but whatever. Point is, movie versions seem to have some aversion to spandex. Not saying it's a bad thing perhaps, since I don't think it would necessarily translate all that well, but you have to admit that it makes comic book movies a little less shiny.

Anyway, I have to go avoid writing an RFP for my class.


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