Greased Lightning.

So I have a job.

And I like it. It's decent. I get to work at night, sleep all day, and though I usually use my alarm clock, sometimes I don't.

Sleep is a little weird though. I think the sunlight affects my dreams because they're been very strange and very vivid lately.

The job's not bad, though. I don't hate what I do, though I hate things about it. I don't hate the people I work with, though I dislike some things that happen.

But it is unsteady work. I started with five, eight hour days. Then seven hours. Then four days a week. Then three. Then four. Then back to five, with some days at seven, some at six and a half, stretched to seven with a lunch (to get the midnight pay bump). Now I'm on six hour days with one five-and-a-half.

So unsteady.

And ultimately, where will this job get me? It's not enough money to get a place of my own. It's not enough to pay all the bills I want to take care of. Definitely not both, which is what I need. And what, will I be here in five years?

A thousand hours of this, and what? A thousand more just the same. Days drift into each other and I'm not sure how long it's been. What's the point? Day after day, systematic, hydromatic, I'm on automatic.


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