The Fruit Doesn't Fall Far

I'm suffocating.

This was the one job I did not want to do again. I never wanted it in the first place.

And now, here I am in khakis and a collared shirt.

I feel like I'm choking. Literately as well, because I hate these cheap, crappy shirts with giants collars that swallow your neck. The sleeves are annoying too. But at least they had my size.

Man, this sucks.

And I know, be grateful for what I have. And I am, I swear. I'd just be more grateful if I got something else.

And I know, there's no rule against looking for another job while I have this one.

But who are we kidding, we're talking about me. I imagine that everyday after work, I'm just going to come home, kick off my shoes, rip off my shirt, and veg in front of the TV until I drag myself to bed, and then drag myself out of it in the morning, and start all over.

:raspberry: Man.

I have to go.


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