Spy vs. Spy

So I figure I should actually bother to say something of substance. Or at least something of the average amount of substance I usually offer.

Although, perhaps I shouldn't go with "average" either.

But anyway, something of substance.

First off, I added a quote. You might notice that it's also the quote of the day, but only if you're reading this post on the day I post it. Otherwise the quote of the day obviously won't be the quote of the day.

But let's move past the obvious.

Sort of.

Because the next thing I was planning on mentioning was both another "you might notice" and another "obvious." Anyway, it was "You might have noticed that I added a hit counter at the bottom of the right information column (not that there's a left information column)."

Anyway, again, since no one ever leaves a comment, I figured now at least I'd get some chance to spy on the people spying on me.

See, "Spy vs. Spy" makes sense.

Although, as I've said before, my titles usually make sense. But usually only to me.

But whatever. Moving on.

Some stuff happened, with some other stuff.
Life is blah, blah, blah
Talking about the nuances of everyday life is boring.
Partially because everyday life is boring.
Depression is boring.
Talking about my depression is boring.
Talking about going to my parents house for Thanksgiving is boring...well, depressing, but as I said, that too is boring.
Talking about how bored I am is boring.
Hence, understandably, I'm bored.

Though surprisingly, rarely lonely.
Which others find shocking.

But I need surprisingly little human interaction.

Is the world too modern for hermits to exist?

At first I was concerned about the label hermit, thinking that those are the types of people who fear other people. But I'd be more willing to label them "spinsters" and whatever the male equivilent would be...which might be hermit.

Hermit, however, brings connonations of cranky old men who despise other people.

Which is closer to how I feel. Except for the male part.
Although, sometimes I do feel a little male.

But that may be more a feeling of not feeling female.

Though, "feeling female" in my opinion is a complete fabrication of society.

Not that women don't fit the stereotype. But I think that the world would be a much more orderly place if we used not less labels, but more. Say around 7 billion?

Yes, that would be one for each of use. We could all buy one of those little label makers. Then we can just make our own. Pin'em on our shirts and jackets.

And of course, we wouldn't bother with a word limit. Though, if you don't have an exceedingly expansive and effective vocabulary (that originally said "good," but this was funnier), then you're not allowed to be offended when people don't have the time to read your full label.

But I was talking about "feeling female," which was partway down the deviant path, but I had something I wanted to mention.

Have you ever noticed how offensive commercials are for girls' toys? I saw one (well, actually these days I see a lot of them) that was for a playhouse. The commercial actual said that with this particular toy, she could bring her imagination and dreams to life by baking and doing laundry.

And don't even get me started on all the ones that imply that girls only need math for when they go shopping.

Welcome to the 1950s. Can I interest you in an apron?


gt281 said…
i had a counter on my blog about a month ago, wanted to know, like you if anybody was crusin by, and were just maybe to lazy to leave a note, i watched it every day, it became depressing, no one every turned the clicker except me when i would read my own stories or post or do MORE spell editing,so i took it off, now i imagine 100s of people dropping by reading my
crayon scribes, i think its better just to imagine that every (the 100s ea day) visitor is just to lazy to make a comment...good luck..and remember blogland is vast
That had occurred to me as a possibility, but I put the counter there with the expectation that I would be the only one affecting it.

But then the counter jumped from 5 to 18 without me, and you left a comment. So I have hope.

Well, sort of. I was never really worried about it. Just curious.
Thank you for the comment though.

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