Cirque du So-writ.

You can see it, but I'm doing a happy dance.

I got a job!


And it's not at Indianwood and has nothing to do with that bitch that was my boss.

True, it's an hour drive to Holland...
(It's an hour because I moved to Lowell, remember?)
...but I'm getting paid about $10 an hour.

And it involves, essentially, organization, which I love, and NO Customer Service.


Hopefully this will be a job I can actually work for a while. And I'll have plenty of time to write on the side...actually, it's more like working on the side, since I'm really trying to get my writing back into the center ring.

Though, I still have to decide if I want to join the military. Actually, I'm about 80% sure that I do, but I know that I want to wait until we have a new president. I don't support the current one, so I really don't want to fight his freakin' war.

Plus, I'm just a tad out of shape.

Anyway. On to other stuff.

Things are good, more or less.

I've got some new poetry (I hate that word), so I'll try and get that up in a few days.



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