Spy vs. Spy
So I figure I should actually bother to say something of substance. Or at least something of the average amount of substance I usually offer. Although, perhaps I shouldn't go with "average" either. But anyway, something of substance. First off, I added a quote. You might notice that it's also the quote of the day, but only if you're reading this post on the day I post it. Otherwise the quote of the day obviously won't be the quote of the day. But let's move past the obvious. Sort of. Because the next thing I was planning on mentioning was both another "you might notice" and another "obvious." Anyway, it was "You might have noticed that I added a hit counter at the bottom of the right information column (not that there's a left information column)." Anyway, again, since no one ever leaves a comment, I figured now at least I'd get some chance to spy on the people spying on me. See, "Spy vs. Spy" makes sense. Al...