I Am Weary Of My Burden. So I Lay It At Your Feet.

A Caution:
_____These words are not for you
_____They are for the Intended
_____The Stability
_____Who has yet to make an appearance
_____If you are unprepared for this Burden
_____We will both crumble under its weight
_____I say these words simply because they Demand to be said
_____And not because I want you to hear them

By Way of Introduction:
_____Ah, such foolishness was brewed this night that brings about these _____thoughts
_____But they command to be written and so I do
_____Ever a slave to the English language and all the sensual coaxing of _____the Word
_____And even as I write them, my mind fights the effects, adds to the _____effects and begs me to leave it be.
_____But, sigh, I never can
_____For in all the things I’ve ever learned
_____And they number many
_____I have never learned when, or how, to simply stop.

The Meat:
_____There is a drift
_____A tide
_____That ever pulls my car
_____It would be such an easy thing
_____To release the wheel
_____And slide into oblivion
_____And everyday, every time
_____I must fight the urge
_____All that dirt is just too tempting
_____The seductive curve

The Meet:
_____I know you worry about me
_____My words seem to betray something
_____So smooth they slither from my tongue
_____I did not lie
_____I do not lie
_____About such things
_____I remain horrible
_____Though you don’t see why
_____And my words, though truthful, remain deceptive because of it
_____The words betray me
_____But it is so subtle
_____It is not the action I am trying to suggest
_____But rather the effect
_____The Influence
_____Because there is a release there
_____There is a moment
_____When the weight of my worries does not crush me
_____And when my mouth is not strong enough to remain barred against _____my thoughts
_____And I have tried to share it with you
_____But the opportunity keeps slipping you by

A Reference to Many Things:
_____I waved it in your face
_____And yet you did not see it
_____I am seeking a real connection
_____But I know it will not come
_____And I resign myself to this
_____Life without
_____The Guy
_____That will make me complete
_____Life without
_____The Friend
_____That I can give this all too

An Apology:
_____I was wrong
_____When I said
_____Though not to your face or ever in so many words
_____But simply in my heart
_____When I said
_____None of your relationships were real
_____I was wrong
_____For it is mine that remain fake and superficial
_____Because I am not real
_____I glide through this world only half awake
_____Because it hurts so much
_____And it would all be so easy
_____To disappear
_____To fade away
_____And only a stone to mark my presence
_____I know that I only have myself to blame
_____I wear too many lies
_____Too many faces
_____And who can get close to a creature like that
_____I am Just So Sick of having to Say and Act
_____To Force the Realization
_____Have I truly found No One who knows me enough to see when I _____struggle
_____But this is an Apology
_____And I have only myself to blame
_____For I know better than to level these expectations in your direction
_____And I am sorry for the pressure that I have thrown your way and _____the disappointment I have leveled on your shoulders
_____What right do I have to ask something of you I have never asked _____before
_____To ask the blind man the color of my eyes when he has never _____needed to know
_____And I am sorry
_____And I was wrong
_____And I have only myself to blame

A Plea:
_____I just want someone to see me. Without asking and without all the _____obvious connotation that this will bring. Why does it take so much _____to get someone to listen? How have I been able to get so far on _____my own? I ask, because I’m not sure I have the strength to do it _____anymore. And I need a reason and a hope because the grave is _____just too inviting. And I just want someone to see me. To _____understand. And I fear (and I Know) that no one ever will.


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