I know. It's been over a month since I posted. But the only computer in this house with a decent connection, is the one in the living room. And since my dad is in here, more or less, all the time, getting a moment of privacy to update your blog is what we might consider "difficult." So you'll simply have to deal with things from now on. Obviously, since I've found the time right now, opportunities do exist. So I will, at least, for your sake, try and take advantage of more of them.

So, what's been new?

Well, I have a job. It isn't fun. And I don't particularly care for one of the people I work with (don't worry Jen, I'm talking about Chris). And mostly importantly, on the list of things I hate, it involves getting up at 5 in the morning and going to bed at 9 o'clock at night.

Not exactly "normal" or "desired" behavior from my point of view. But I'm giving it some time, at least until rent with my parents is paid up. Then I think I will begin to seek other employment. Something involving the words "midnight shift," I believe.

Now, I could go on and on (and on, trust me) about all the horrors of the job, how much it sucks, and how just dreadfully annoying the previously mentioned coworker is (don't worry Jen, still not you). But unless it's secretly a pinata, why beat a dead horse?

In the world of friends, things remained little changed. My friends are still my friends, my non-friends are still not my friends.

Admittedly though, for someone who prides themselves on being able to let things go that truly don't matter, I'm still rolling my eyes at the fact that Beth and Andrea gave up the opportunity for some of my patented "Spicy rice" in order to make "Spongebob and Seaweed." Basically, macaroni and cheese in Spongebob and twisty shapes.

I think (and often) that I am merely sad in empathy to Jen who was really looking forward to it. Though there remains the slight twinge of rejection that occurs when you're trying to do something nice for people and they blow you off.

However, I have noticed in myself the tendency to do these "nice things" for the gratitude and praise it gets me. And while philosophically, some might say there's no such thing as an unselfish good deed, it doesn't mean that I have to be quite so concerned about the opinion others offer me. I suppose, like trees, we are constantly growing.

Well, it appears that the universe has taken a lessening interest in my life as things are starting to settle down. I think it will take until at least January before my finances are in order and I'll be able to get a place of my "own." But it is to be expected when you stumble as I did.

However, I suspect that the universe is holding an effect or two in reserve, waiting patiently to release them on me as soon as I begin to neglect worrying about their causes.

...I'm pretty sure that sentence made sense. I thought of it about five minutes ago and the time delay tends to warp the reality. But on the other hand, the dead horse comment has been sitting, waiting (wishing?) for several days.

On other subjects, I've fallen terribly lax in my writing and my computer has even been off for several days.

True, I have been distracted by Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And yes, I did turn it off because it's nearly impossible to hear music and a fan at the same time.

But as I sit here eating Cosco sushi (it didn't make me sick yesterday...and I just like randomly working in odd facts...like that Cosco has good sushi), I recognize that I only have myself to blame for not sitting down and working...

Well, myself and my parents. But not in a general "blame it on the parents" sort of way. But in a rather specific you-keep-claiming-you're-moving-my-room-around-so-will-you-please-either-do-it-or-leave-me-alone-so-I-can-put-a-desk-in-there sort of situation.

And I also have several male-related issues that need resolved, but guilt is a very strong emotion. And as I am not used to feeling it, it takes me time to get over it.

Theoretically, a friend (female) will read this and mention it and help me with it. But as I just offered them the suggestion of what to do, it sort of takes away from the meaning that help would have.

But I suppose I can't have everything and subtlety only works so well

And now it's time for me to go.

I want, as I rarely eat in order, on time, or full-out meals, a piece of my little brother's birthday cake.

Then dishes, a shower, and the Nintendo, which begs me to finish my game.

So (long), farewell.

"Build God, Then We'll Talk" by Panic! At The Disco
and "My TV and You" by VAST


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