My, My. Look at You Now.

The echo of a heel
That click
On the tile floor
The sound of a sound she’d never heard before

The looks of lust
Of fascination and desire

The boast of confidence
As she wore her new skin

She could be anyone,
You had already known

She could be a bird
A plane
She could be super

For all the good it would do you to stare

And scrunching
Your brow
Furrowed in thought
Furrowed in perplexity

A pair of glasses cannot truly hide
Nor a pair of heels
Nor leather skirt
And pleats
And blouse
And bra
And dab of lipstick

But you cannot find
What you’re not looking for

If all you see is the illusion
Then all you will have is delusion

True, to see is to believe
But lies are believed more easily than truth
And our eyes can lie
Our senses

Scent can be masking
The light tone of honey and silk

The look can fool the eye
The sound can fool the ear
The skin, the touch
The taste

Powers combined,
The mind is tricked with this slight of
A professional’s hand

Because science is astounding
And magic is amazing
And belief conquers all

And a man can be a man’s man
When the world thinks he’s a woman


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