I have terrible, terrible news

My cat died.

I loved him.

My huge, floppy-eared, ball of fluff.

The sweetest, kindest cat you'd ever known.

And the laziest one too.

When my younger siblings were, well, younger, we had gates to block various doors. This cat would sit and meow at you for to either lift him over or move the gate. He'd sit on the floor by your bed for twenty minutes before jumping up.

He wasn't always good at sensing when you needed comfort because he always avoided me when I was sick. But he never against descriminated a bed. He'd pick a bed for the day and that's where he'd spend his time. The next day, it would be a different bed. Sometimes, he'd hit every single bed all in the same day.

He was one of the fattest cats you'd every seen, too, but I loved him.

I'm gonna miss you Sandy.

And next week I have to go visit my dying grandmother.

I was already sad. But now I'm depressed.



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