
Showing posts from January, 2005
A story I'm vaguely working on. I really, really like it. I'd almost leave it jsut as it is, but I've introduced too much plot to let it end now. The Sea Above the Sky When we’re kids, our mothers tell us stories. Stories to lull us to sleep. Stories to make our imaginations soar. Stories to frighten us and stories for us to marvel at. But they are just stories. I had a normal life. I had a normal 9-5 job in a normal sized cubicle. I had a normal girlfriend who I was going to propose to in a normal way. She would give me a normal “yes” as an answer. I had normal clothes in a normal apartment in a normal neighborhood. The world was a normal world. But normal people don’t tell stories. Not about their normal lives. Normal people only tell stories when their normal lives suddenly become not so normal. I was on my way to my normal job, taking my normal subway ride, when I first met…”her.” Which I’m sure you knew was going to happen. It’s always abo...
I've decided, well sort of decided. Okay, I think that a good sign of a guy's genuine interest or potential as a relationship, or even a friend, is the interest they show in my writing. Maybe that seems kind of selfish, to require someone to be interested in something I'm working on. But most people, even some friends of mine and especially my family, don't seem to realize or believe how serious I am about this. I really am going to be an author. I'm really writing novels. Not just little stories to keep myself busy or English papers because I enjoy the work. But actual full-blown, need to get published novels. And I don't think a lot of people get that. Now some friends, my really good friends. (like Ringo, S., AF., L., M., AM.). Those people are good enough friends, and I mean really good friends, that I don't require them to be interested. It's not important. But I think that if a guy is going to be important enough to me or thinks I...
So two of my friends just left to go to a party. I'm not sure how I feel about this. In general, I am not an overly social person, as people who know me are well aware of. But lately, well, it's complicated. Sufficied to say, I might have actually gone to this one. I know, you're thinking "so why didn't you?" Well, frankly, because my friend didn't invite me. Now there is a specific reason for this. Because it involves a person I previously yelled out a window at, the connection to me and my friend would have been obvious to this person and thus very awkward. If he never meets me, it's fine. But if he ever does, it's bad. Hence I can't go. Which I get. I really do. But I think what bugged me about the whole thing is that my friend didn't tell me why I couldn't go. They simply didn't bother asking me at all. So I'm spending several days (as I see this person a lot) wondering why, as my friend complains about ...
Why is it that when people are bored they find it necessary to harass others with the trivial details of their life in order to make it seem as though maybe things are as boring as they seem despite the fact that they have obviously overlooked the fact that the details of their life are TRIVIAL? Not that I'm not guilty of this too. And not that I am mad at the people who do it, it just seems that they do it a lot to me and it gets irritating after a while. Lata.
I apologize now for anything you might read for today, or yesterday, or whatever day. I was very drunk and have no idea what I'm talking about. Lata.
Why do I sleep? I sleep in order to forget who I was the day before. to wake up anew. With new understanding. With new personality. Don't ask me who I was. Don't ask me to be the person you spoke to. The person you liked. The person you hated. I do not remember them. They are dead to me until they rise again. And then, I am dead to them. I don't remember. they are new. They are not me. Do not hate me. Do not loathe me. Do not ask me where the person you spoke to is. they are dead and gone. Locked away until they can escape again. And when they escape, I shall be gone. Do not ask me of what I have said. do not remind. I will not remember. I can only forget. Who were you looking for? And why did you not believe me when I swore I was insane. It is your own fault. For I warned you. And I cautioned you. And I told you it would happen. Who are you looking for? Are they here today or are they gone? Who are you looking for? She is no...
So, I was very, very happy. Marvel was finally bringing back my favorite character. Betsy Braddock. Psylocke. She rocks, she really does. And even though she was coming back in a comic that currently has rather sub-par (to use a nice phrase instead of "crappy" like I wanted to say........Oops) art (which would be the current Uncanny X-men title), I was still very, very, very happy. Very happy. BUT THEY FUCKED IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just went and read the whole issue. I'm very pissed about it. I get that Marvel seems to have some unexplainable obsession with Wolverine and gets the uncontrollable urge to put him in every title and in every issue, but they go to all the trouble of bringing Psylocke back and that what? They go back to WOLVERINE!!! "Well here's this character that we senselessly killed off way back when just so that we could have Rogue kill him l...
So Hey. I've been gone a while. I know you haven't noticed. Mostly because i've come to accept that there is no "you". No one reads this but the occasional friend who remembers it exists and checks to see if i've written something about them. Whatever, no big. I really didn't create this with the intention that I'd have a ton of people reading it. I wouldn't mind if there were a ton of people reading it, but what are you gonna do. I don't know how often I'll be posting. I tend to go through these phases. You'll notice that I went through a very dark and fatalistic one a while back. I also go through crazy ones where I'm just off the charts obscure. And right now I'm in a very mellow one, so I don't really have that much to say. And this time I actually mean it. I've got novels I'm trying to write so I'm going to go back to that before I get distracted by the television. So, lata. Song: Stereophonics...