So, being the holiday season, I figured I should talk to my family. Makes sense, right? Well, knowing how I feel about my family, you can see that this is going to end badly. So where did I make my first mistake?

Was it not answering the phone when my mom was leaving a message this morning? No, that was fine.

Was it waiting for my mom to call back instead of calling myself? No, that was actually done right. I didn't have to worry about long distance nor who would actually pick up, since my parents are in Pennsylvania with my grandparents and uncle.

Was it talking to not only immediate family but extended? Well, that was a mistake, but not the first.

No, no, my first mistake came back around Thanksgiving when I attempted to placate my parents by telling them I might come down to Penn. when they were going to be there.

Yes. That was very, very stupid. Because naturally they leaked it to my grandparents. So in talking to them, I was doing nothing but explaining why I wasn't there. And explaining that writing a book took a while. And that I didn't know how long I was gonna be in school, hence I didn't know what degree I was going for. And any number of other things that made me want to slam my head against a wall. And my apartment has cinderblocks, so you know that would have helped release the tension.

Have I mentioned lately that I hate my family?


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