I know, I know. It's been over a month since I posted. I'm sorry. Really!
Okay, so not really. Not to mention, I did warn you all that I was now in Bad Internet Territory and I wouldn't be posting as much...at least, I think I warned you. Maybe that was someone else...

Anyway, I posting now. So get over it.
Plus Ringo has been bugging me about updating. Look I updated! Happy?
No? Well, then it's probably got nothing to do with me.

So: news:
Ringo got a job. Yay!
John went to London. Yay!
John came back....not sure if that's a yay. I'll have to wait and see what she got me.

Umm. Work is good. Home is...well, if you know me, then you know that answer to that. I'm good.

Today's my birthday.

The Pistons won the NBA Finals.

Dogdeball is a really, really funny movie.

What? What did I say a minute ago? Ummm...the Pistons won the NBA Finals?

Before that? I'm good?

Birthday? No, I didn't say anything about my birthday.

I did? Are you sure?

Well, yes today is my birthday, but it's not really a big deal.

Why isn't it a big deal? Because it's my 20th.

No, that's not really a "yay".

Because the twentieth birthday is the dumbest. 18 is good cuz you can vote, play the lottery, and buy cigarettes. 19 is good because you can legally buy alcohol in Canada. What can you do at 20? Nothing you haven't already been doing. Why couldn't this be 21? I mean, other than the fact that I was born in 1984, why couldn't this be 21? Oh well. I hate my birthday anyway.

Because it's horrid.

Because I never get what I really want, even when I ask for it. And my parents have this wonderful tradition of yelling at me on my birthday. But enough about that. I don't want to talk about it. The sooner it's over, the better. Especially since Wednesday promises to be a lot of fun. Yay Wednesday.

Wow. So I just had one side of a conversation. Now my loyal readers (which is, like, no one) can create the other half all on their own. Have fun!! And leave messages!!

Song: Breathe No More by Evanescence

"Now i lay (with everywhere around)
me (the great dim deep sound
of rain; and of always and of nowhere) and

what a gently welcoming darkestness"

-E.E. Cummings


Anonymous said…
george, don't park in the parking lot that is a lake, so i( and john) can drown! also, I LOVE YOU!!!
I'm confused. Is this an inside joke that I forgot about?

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