OF ALL THE STUPID @#$%^*&(*%$#@!@#$^%&*((*&^%$#Q@$#$%&*^&())

I HATE when I do that. I accidently deleted everything I was working on.
So I apologize 'cause I'm not writing it again. I'll give you the short version of everything I was gonna say.

1. Fear Factor has little to do with fear, it should be called Stunt Factor...and it sucks
2. Comedies are too sappy, but only some of them suck
3. My buddies at Cinescape don't suck, and here's a nice shout-out for them: Osirus, Jakester, Rosetta, Meathead, Skiv, Wallflower, Neglet, Fredcomics, Rexxax or Rezzax or something like that, umm......Daforce, Slamshut, LeiterCIA, and I know I'm missing a ton but in no way am I trying to diss you, I just have a really crappy memory
4. Had a nice little chat the other night got to talk to some great people, so shout out to them (Luigi, BeauBetabi aka Cool Guy, Mr. Black, and I think that's everyone who was from CA)
5. People I miss from CA: Apolyom, Mouse, Rakshar, Angelboy, couple other people I can't think of (told you, bad memory)
6. I am leaving Thursday, December 11th at 2:00pm, and I won't be back till January, sometime around the 6th, but not sure when exactly. So I probably won't be be posting until after that.
7. At Christmas, I'll be chilling with my girls, Andrea and Bethy, aka John and Ringo. probably be working, but not much else.
8. I might be transferring to MSU at the end of the year, living with my aunt, cause there are more job opportunities and stuff, don't really want to get into it right now because I have no idea if I'll be doing it or not.
9. umm.........oh, those stupid Bratz dolls. Aren't we just encouraging children to be rotten and obnoxious when we had them dolls called Bratz? I mean really, get a clue, ya stupid parents, (no not you, the people in the house next to you.)

Right, so that's all. I'm all ranted out. So lata. I'm out.


Stu said…

Things you trip over on the internet, eh?


(VERY formerly Angelboy)
Wow. Talk about ages ago!
Stu said…
Yeah. Kind wacky. Was bored at work (as per...), and read a story about Bryan Singer, which made me remember CA, which made me randomly google a few of the old CA usernames (as a string), and the only live page was this blog entry right here.

So yeah... There's something from your past to mull over.

I'll check out your blog from time to time now.
You'll probably be the only one, but thanks! At least I'll know that from time to time, someone is out there.

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