Ahh, that's some good lemonade.
I have a new new job. I lost the old new job. I have a new new friend. The old new friend isn't much of a friend. But it's all an improvement. I enjoy the new new job better. The new new friend is a great friend. I miss her. But she's busy getting better. That's more important than finding time to play cards with me. There's a new purpose to my support group, which is better than the old purpose. Which was no purpose. I almost feel not depressed. Almost. I still feel it in the back of my mind, like a warm sweater wrapped around my cerebellum. I don't know that it will ever go away. I don't know that I want it to go away. It's too familiar. Too much of a safety net to fall back on. I'm sure that's what my therapist would say too. But I don't know how I feel about him sometimes. He feels like a friend. But a nagging friend. And we're not working on the problem I want to work on. Interjection: I called a new lawyer, finally, since th...