
Showing posts from December, 2008


Some personal favorites. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table. Because Chuck Norris only recognizes the element of surprise. When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris. Some kids piss their name in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name into concrete. Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2 nd ; no one fools Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Once, while having sex in a tractor-trailer, part of Chuck Norris' sperm escaped and got into the engine. We now know this truck as Optimus Prime. Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds. Chuck Norris can speak braille. If you spel...