Reposting this, thought it might be interesting. And you can leave comments now.
I hate seeing movies with other people in the theater, except my friends. So the following is either things I hate or suggestions for making it better. You should be able to tell the difference.
1. Don't open packages of food during the movie. Open them ahead of time. You don't have to eat them right away, but it's annoying when you hear that stupid crackling sound.
2. When you do finish your snack, don't sit there and crumple the wrapping for the next hour of the movie. Just set it some where (like the seat next to you or the floor) and take care of it later.
3. Go to the bathroom before the movie starts. If you can't hold it for two hours, then sit on the end of the row so you don't have to walk in front of forty people going "excuse me, sorry, excuse me, sorry". It's obnoxious.
4. Do not ask questions about the plot. Movies generally tend ...
Showing posts from May, 2004
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I really haven't been able to post a lot lately. I've been very busy with work, I've only had a few days off and I've been using them to do...stuff. As for my nights, I've actually been using them to sleep. Imagine that.
Anyway. Some really good news: Me and Sara got an on-campus apartment!!!! Yay!!!
I'm a lot more excited about it than I might seem, but I'm tired so it probably doesn't seem like I'm all hyped or anything. I am. But whatever.
Song: "Turn Smile Shift Repeat" by Phantom Planet.
So, until later.
Oh, and you may have noticed that I changed my blog template. Pretty huh?
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So I was finally able to get my internet to work, so you might be hearing from me more than you (or I) thought. Anyway, nothing to say right now. Sorry. But I'll give you a few things:
"Stupid" Sarah McLachlan
"The Reason" Hoobastank
"Float On" Modest Mouse
Movie: The Punisher
Actor: Thomas Jane and Brad Pitt
That's all for now. Lata.