An Intervention
Do you have any idea how stupid what you just pulled was? You don’t, do you? You’ve been so oblivious to how I’ve felt all summer that you’ve completely missed the fact that I’ve been depressed and suicidal. So under those circumstances, of course it seemed like a good idea to gang up on my and tell me how much I hurt your feelings one time. No matter that I’ve been pissed at you all summer. No matter that I have to be completely outraged by what you did in order to keep myself from going absolutely insane with depression. And of course you don’t care that I had a hard time breathing as I was driving home because I’ve been deserted, again, by my friends. No matter that I am so sick of being treated this way, that it makes me violently ill. No matter that this is what I’ve had happen with every friend I’ve ever had. No matter that, goddamit, you actually have the power to make me weep. No matter that it’s not the first time. No matter that I’ve done it more this summer than in the rest ...